Truly happy to announce the preview of this incredible Music Video Clip, by Galaxy Hills - Delorian 1987, soon available in collaboration with, GK Production, with Director Francesco Gozzo, Co-Director Jacopo Dotti (Revolux Studios & Revolux Studios Records), D.O.P. Sciukka (Luca Perin) & Technicals Henry Ray Gozzo.
We'll take you back to Eighties soon!
Here, some frames extracted from the Video Clip.
Stay on board!
#backtothefuture #backto80 #80wave #musicvideoclip #retrowave #synthwave #electrowave #80style #electronicmusic #musicvideoclip #galaxyhills #delorian #delorian1987 #francescogozzo #jacopodottiofficial #jacopodotti #gkprodutions #revoluxstudios #revoluxstudiosrecords